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My blog so chou

Lis, vis, aime

Hold on - Michaël Bublé

Et voici la petite douceur de vendredi, un petit souffle de fraîcheur sous cette chaleur accablante:

Didn't they always say we were the lucky ones?

I guess that we were once

Babe, we were once

But luck will leave you cause It is a faithless friend

And in the end when life has got you down

You've got someone here that you can wrap your arms around

So hold on to me tight

Hold on to me tonight

We are stronger here together

Than we could ever be alone

So hold on to me

Don't you ever let me go

There's a thousand ways for things to fall apart

But it's no one's fault

No it's not my fault

Maybe all the plans we made would not work out

But I have no doubt even though it's hard to see

I've got faith in us and I believe in you and me

So hold on to me tight

Hold on, I promise it'll be alright

Cause it's you and me together

And baby all we've got is time

So hold on to me, hold on to me tonight

There's so many dreams that we have given up

Take a look at all we've got

And with this kind of love

What we've got here is enough

So hold on to me tight

Hold on, I promise it'll be alright

Cause we are stronger here together

Then we could ever be alone

Just hold on to me

Don't you ever let me go

Hold on to me, it's gonna be alright

Hold on to me tonight

They always say we were the lucky ones

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Je t'en prie Paulette. Doux week-end à toi aussi! Bisous
C'est en effet très beau, j'aime beaucoup ! Merci pour cet instant douceur . Doux week end Rachel bisous